Saturday, February 20, 2010


I have been meaning to write about our field visit to Varanasi for a while now, but have put if off because I knew it would be difficult to express. In a country where every routine task is an adventure, it was hard to believe how moving, inspiring and emotional the trip could have been.

Many Hindus believe the city is an auspicious place to die; they patiently wait for death attending prayer services and bathing in the holy Ganges. The belief is that dying in Varanasi enables one to break the cycle of rebirth and go straight to heaven.

While the mention of aid work recalls the image of feeding orphans or digging wells, if you’ve been following along, you know that the reality for us has been quite different. Feeling like a celebrity couple visiting the hunger and poverty-stricken villages of Africa (think Brangelina holding beautiful, snot-nosed babies), we sat with young girls and old women alike. Through our translator we discussed the challenges they face and the ways in which they benefit from our organization’s work. As I’ve mentioned, the conversations were very moving and at times Kate and I had to keep our emotions in check. As one group of girls, with whom we had stayed longer to play games and learn songs, ran out to the dirt road to wave goodbye, our hearts ached as they asked if they could return to America with us.

I’ll stop here as I think the pictures tell a better story…


  1. Just got caught up on all of your posts. Looks like India is a crazy, amazing, lively place filled all sorts of adventures!

    One suggestion for posting your pics - can you make them open in a separate window? That way the viewer can close out the window without leaving the blog.

    Keep up the wonderfully descriptive stories - I feel like I'm there with you!

  2. Have I told you two lately that you're kinda my heroes? Because you are.
